Frequently Asked Questions
Despite the similarity in name, Home Health and Home Care are vastly different.
Home Health is a skilled service ordered through a physician’s recommendation, where-as Home Care can still be recommended but it does not require a skilled service such as a registered nurse or therapist, to operate.
Home Care is more responsible for aid in activities of daily living (i.e. help around the house, transportation, meal preparation, bathing, etc.).
Divine Quality Home Care is a Home Care service.
A lot of people remain incredibly independent as they age, even through injury or illness.
We’ve noticed that those who wish to maintain that independence but might need help, often ask the questions:
“Is the house clean and tidy?”
“Am I noticing weight loss?”
“Has my personal hygiene declined?”
“Am I starting to feel lonely or withdrawn?”
“Are there enough groceries (Not just frozen dinners)?”
“Am I having trouble remembering details?”
“Do I need help getting to and from doctor’s appointments?”
The services that Home Care provides do not require for a physician’s orders and therefore can be paid for privately or through long-term insurance.
At this time, the state of Oregon is working on bypassing aid that would support Home Care supplementing but it has not yet been activated. We are all hopeful.